Aletheia Data

Our mission is to democratize public information and facilitate access to it


This project has been paused due to lack of funding.

Hopefully, we'll be back soon!


Aletheia is an Open Source project that seeks to encourage both public and private entities to facilitate access to public information, so that it can have a more relevant social impact.

As developers we have seen the need to make use of public information (information in the public domain that should be available and accessible by law), but in the search we quickly realized that although the information is (in part) available, it is not organized in a way that is easy to use (uses that can range from the simple consultation of the data, to statistical use or to create computer smart products oriented to citizens.

Another problem that we frequently find is the lack of a standard in the format of these files. As well as the use of formats that DO NOT allow the extraction of the information. We know that, like us, there are other Citizens who need to access this data and this is why we decided to develop an Open API to facilitate access and distribution of resourceful public information.

The objective is to create an ecosystem where these files are ALWAYS available, accessible 24 hours a day and accompanied by APIs to facilitate the consumption and exchange of this information while providing an immutable and reliable "single source of truth".


The data in Aletheia is acquired directly from the corresponding entities, any error in the data must be reported to the reference organisation. You can contact us but we will not be able to help you other than direct you to that entity.


You can use our service freely, we only ask you to give us credit by using the following badge on your product.

<!-- Create an element with id "aletheia-badge" -->
<div id="aletheia-badge"></div>

<!-- Load script -->
<script src=""></script>

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